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St. Peter's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moortown


 Welcome to our school website.

We hope you find it a fun and informative way of keeping in touch with all that is going on in St. Peter’s.

We aim to use it to communicate and celebrate the work of our very talented pupils and staff.

We would like our parents and pupils to use the site regularly and we welcome all visitors who wish to find out more about the school.

Keep visiting to get the latest news, updates and information about school life!

If there is anything else you would like to know about our school, please do not hesitate to contact us.

John Quinn


Latest News

5th Sep 2024
Parentkind have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available...
15th Oct 2024
P6 are really enjoying learning the new skills of hurling each week. 
15th Oct 2024
P6 had a fantastic talk with the NSPCC today. Well done P6
15th Oct 2024
Thank you to the NSPCC who visited P7 today to talk to them about the importance...
11th Oct 2024
This week P6 worked together and created excellent haunted house poems. We then created...
11th Oct 2024
Congratulations to our 'Pupils of the Week' who have received their awards for ...
11th Oct 2024
P7 got busy this morning collecting leaves for their Autumn art display! 
10th Oct 2024
The Primary 5 children enjoyed a carousel of activities today to learn about 2D shape...

Report Pupil Absence

If a child is absent for any reason, parents/guardians should notifiy the school, explaining their absence by using the ‘Report Pupil Absence’ button on our school website.

If your child tests positive for COVID or is displaying COVID symptoms, parents/guardians should inform the school immediately using our school email address or contacting the school by telephone on 028 8673 7565



The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.


Latest Photographs


Upcoming Events...

Tuesday, 15th October 2024
Tyrone GAA Hurling Coaching P5 - 7
NSPCC Stay Safe Speak Out Workshops
P7 Art Club (3 - 4pm)
P5 Gymnastics Club (3 - 4pm)
P4 Boys' ICT Club (3 - 4pm)
Wednesday, 16th October 2024
Credit Union Collect Savings
P6 Dance Club (3 - 4pm)
Thursday, 17th October 2024
School Coaching with Sean (Please send Β£1 to class teacher each Thursday )
P6/7 Boys' Gaelic Football Club (3 - 4pm)
P4 Boys' ICT Club (3 - 4pm)
Tuesday, 22nd October 2024
Tyrone GAA Hurling Coaching P5 - 7
Flu Vaccine Day
P5 Gymnastics Club (3 - 4pm)
Wednesday, 23rd October 2024
Credit Union Collect Savings
Parent/Teacher Meetings (See October Newsletter for collection times)
Thursday, 24th October 2024
Parent/Teacher Meetings (See October Newsletter for collection times)
Friday, 25th October 2024
Halloween Parade (10am)
Parent/Teacher Meetings (See October Newsletter for collection times)
Monday, 28th October 2024
Halloween Break (School Closed - Enjoy the holidays!)